
Saturday 18 June 2011

The Weather today....

Rain, rain, go away - come again....
when we are all asleep!

Is anybody else fed up with this weather?  Are you making cards? Or is it sunny where you are?


  1. its been raining like crazy the last two days.. the streets are flooded... need some sun desperately now... here in India...

  2. Aww, how cute Claire. Such a fun card!

  3. Sunshine and showers here but have just got back from craft show at Motor Cycle museum. Had a chat with Steve and made some purchases. There were a couple of stamps that I wanted which weren't there so I'll order them online. Steve said he might do a video demonstrating 'masking techniques'. That would be really good, thank you xx

  4. Yes, completely fed up with this rain! So fed up that hubby made us have a rainy walk yesterday just so we could get out the house - mind you kids loved splashing in the puddles!

    Love the card, lovely and bright and the monkeys are sooo cute :)
