
Thursday 1 September 2011

5 lucky winners (and the sun is shining here)......

Hello lovely peeps - and it's great to say that the sun is shining on us here, wonderful after so many grey days.......
Great to read your comments regarding our WEEKLY PROJECTS, we are looking forward to giving you lots of inspiration and the DT girls are already inking their stamps and folding their cards ready for this weekly challenge.....
Now to the good bit; here are the names of the lucky 5 drawn at random by our cat Elsie:
Daisychain   anne    Cally   Lynn   Susan....

Thanks for writing in girls, we do appreciate your time to write comments, here is your prize:

'Oh Little Town of Bethlehem' stamp by RED GINGHAM DESIGNS, 4 pots of Glitter and 5 A4 sheets of Kraft Card will be sent to you once you contact Carol with your addy's.  Love
Little Claire xxx


  1. What a clever kitty cat, thank you Elsie! I am so excited and can't wait to receive these lovely goodies, thank you so much. Hugs Christine x

  2. Hi Girls !

    What a fabulous prize !!!
    Thank you very much..I will email Carol now :)
    susan x

  3. So pleased to see that I was one of the lucky winners - thanks Elsie. I have e-mailed Carol with my addy.

    Lynn x

  4. How exciting, thank you so much for picking me x
